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Exactly this!

MC enjoys fixing these broken girls and helping them through their life. Most issues that the first floor cast had in their personal lives has been fixed, except a major common thread they all have. That being the horrible world they live in. The system hurts each of them in one way or another, and this isn't something they can fix individually or even with just MC's help. Instead they need to group up and make change.

(1 edit) (+3)

This serious part of the game is what I enjoy in your game the most. There is not just "a hotel full of dolls for sex". Every girl have her background, her story and heavy problems. Every girl diceded to stay in hotel because of very serious reasons. And, ofcourse, when I play I can associate myself with MC only because he realy cares about these girls and trying to help them in any possible way, trying to give them hope for the future and protect them, he took a full responsibility about those, who decided to stay in his hotel... even elfs who kidnaped him - they asked MC for help and this was enough for him to help. "How many laws I already broke?!" he asks... and still he is ready to do even more.

Thank you again for this amazing story! This is realy a shame that I cant support you with money. I want, but I cant... But still, Im looking forward for future updates to enjoy the story you will create :)