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Really cool game Kwabsi! 
Great mechanics, super cool effect with the color splashing. The controls took a bit of getting used to. I've definitely used that sort of wall jump scheme before where you need to change direction and cross to the other side in order to jump again, but it always just feels so confusing for my hands lol. I think I'm too used to the Megaman style of wall jumping; no cross over needed unless you want and a slow slide down the wall. But either way, other than that, was a fun game to play and to see.

Oh! 1 other thing Kwabsi! Your tree is not the same resolution as the rest. :P But I'm sure you know. As a pixel artist myself, that just, makes me cry inside hahah. But in all fairness, I didn't even notice it until right now. ^^;

Excellent entry! And glad to have you around in the Discord!