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I have mixed feelings about this game. At its best, it feels like "Magical Girl Simulator;" at its worst, it feels like a clunky prototype.

The city environment and character art helps the game feel like you're playing as a magical girl in the city flying around and fighting monsters. Flight, despite the flaws (I'll touch on those later) was a joy and had enough forgiveness built in to allow me to experience the joy of leaving gravity behind. The waypoints and clear targets kept me from feeling lost, and the sparse story kept the game moving while still providing some context for each mission. Each mission presents a single new mechanic, making each objective an effective tutorial for the game while keeping the game moving. The controls are simple and are not hard to reach. The music seems deliberately trippy but is also sedate enough to serve as a backdrop to this epic adventure, and the audio effects for hits get the job done.

Not all is sunshine and rainbows, though. The camera and player controls seem to be at odds with each other; I can move the camera independently of the character, but it snaps back to behind the character's head when I start moving. I would have preferred the camera also adjust the direction the character moves, or have the camera movement tied to the directional buttons. Movement is also frequently awkward due to how sensitive everything is. I had to gingerly tap the A and D keys to try to make some of the more precise movements toward the ring objectives, and even then I would frequently overcorrect and miss my mark. The mouse movement while flying is no better, even with the new sensitivity settings turned all the way down I would frequently fly off in random directions with every twitch of my hand. I'm grateful that the ring objectives were forgiving about me missing them because I had to keep turning around to fly through them. Also, the city seems excessively massive. While I understand you're trying to emulate a city, it just seemed too big for the objectives presented. For example, the first mission is to run to school. The majority of that mission is just running straight through 3 objectives. There's no skill involved, so it's just waiting. Similarly, the mission that has you flying to the different portals is a long, boring ordeal of flying from one end of the city to the other. Even speed-flying requires multiple energy bars to get to each point. My last point is the portals: The framerate was not great originally, but when I entered a portal the framerate dropped like a rock and even after exiting the portal things never returned to their original levels. I played up to the mission where I'm supposed to collect energy to help upgrade my stats & gear, but I couldn't find where to go so I entered another portal and proceeded to disappear entirely. I quit the game at this point.

This game is clearly still under development (the version number even indicates as much) so issues are to be expected. Even so, I think this game would have made a better impression if it had been made smaller, both in size and scope. There are many positive aspects of this game so I'm sure these shortcomings will be gradually polished out as the game gets more developed.