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I'd like to ask the devs something regarding this game. I think that minotaur hotel touches on a subject that is interesting. The subject of a half man half bull who has to live in eternity living basically as a slave to humans and they are pressured into torturing him in a way. But what I don't find interesting at all are the choices given. You can be a good person to him or bad, which is fine. but those choices aren't engaging or interesting. Asking me whether or not I want this innocent person (spoilers: i know that the story right now is hinting that Astorion might be lying, but regardless, i don't think there is a crime worthy of eternal enslavement, end spoilers) to be tortured or to be treated as equal isn't an interesting moral question. Maybe we can do things that are meant to help but end up harming Asterion in the long run.  

I'm not a writer and my opinions should probably not be taken seriously, but I really love this game and I would love it if it keeps on improving. The main star of the story isn't just Asterion, at least to me, it's helping him and nourishing him into a healthier person. the best parts of the story were the beginning, seeing this broken almost dead person and reaching out was a highlight and I hope new updates will have more of those highlights. 

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to write your views on the game. It's very much appreciated.

Maybe we can do things that are meant to help but end up harming Asterion in the long run.

To a certain extent the game does have that, and the effects can be quite profound. If you are too touchy during your first encounter with Asterion and suggest you give him a bath he won't take it well. If you botch the first encounter with Argos, later Asterion will have a panic attack and you can mismanage that. Argos' encounters all have ways in which they can be managed better or worse, and those choices will have repercussions on the next build that affect Asterion.

As for your point about the choice of treating Asterion cruelly or nicely, we are aware that a lot of players don't find that engaging (we actually have numbers on this thanks to the surveys we do). Still, our perspective on this focuses a lot on the story of Minotaur Hotel as a whole. I don't want to get into spoiler territory, but if the player treats Asterion badly they'll end in a special scenario (the "Ruthless Route") and Build 0.5 contains the ending for that. Once that piece of content is in the game, I hope, people will have more knowledge to understand what's the purpose and the themes here. In other words, the "cruel" choices themselves weren't meant to be compelling on their own — in truth what, we hope, will be compelling is the story as a whole, how the characters and events will change based on these decisions, so on.

Anyhow, despite going a bit on the ruthless content... You said your favorite moments were when the MC and Asterion, shall we say, connected and reached out to each other. We'll have a lot of those in the next build, so I hope you'll like it.