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(1 edit) (-1)

There are definitly rooms in the game that are more elaborat than others. In part this is due to the order they were created in. The cis and trans rooms were the first two rooms we created during the jam and we focused on creating the systems that allowed us to chain them together indefinitely.
Other rooms that were created much later allowed us to focus on more detailed concepts (take the floating cubes in the euphoria/disphoria room for example, that was a relatively late addition ot the postjam release).
This isn't meant to be a value judgement on the terms and the associated identities, but rather a product of having a game start out as a jam project and then expanding on it later =)


I know; I'm talking less about the intent than the effect. I really don't think that you intended any value judgements.

However, I worry that this is turning into an argument--I really don't want to press the issue! ^^;

Speaking of the euphoria/dysphoria room, I really liked that one! I thought that the metaphor there worked really well! ^_^

Finally, it's quite interesting to read about how the order of approaching the rooms affected how much detail was given to each. Thank you for explaining that! ^_^