sorry for commenting so much, but i beat 2/3 of the derekulians, this is my biggest achievement so far :) Edit: btw HAS ANYBODY ACTUALLY BEAT DEREKULUS X YET??? and my legendary angry fat kid jerk does 80k damage when you bake 1100 muffins. Here is a key to take down the 99999 hp jack: 1st, spawn with a legendary cheating jerk, a legendary angry fat kid jerk, a legendary giant muffin baker, then 2 legendary jerkromancer. Beware, this doesn't work all the time. 1st, u have to use the muffin baker, which leaves u with 1 action. Use the legendary cheaing jerk to get 6 actions back, which leaves u with 7. Then, use both legendary jerkromancers, and if your deck has another legendary giant muffin baker, 3-4 legendary jerk managers, 1-2 legendary jerk coaches, and maybe a legendary muffin man, jackis done for sure. I don't know how much darn damage that will do, but for sure it will beat the living daylights out of jack. I estimate it to be around 500k-1m damage, and Jack only has 100000 hp (hehe) But, you have to end it on the 1st move, or you will inevitably die. Also, there is a tiny chance you will survive the 1st attack if you got max core...
Edit: music intensifies... DEREK OF DOOM FINAL BOSS APPROACHING: 13000 hp