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Gosh, you guys! In the last fortnight I have been not at all productive. I'm starting to wonder if I'll even get this done in time! I've been trying to work on it, and I've made someeee progress, but nowhere near as much as I wanted. Bummer.

So: what have I done? I've made some decisions - I've removed the feature I was talking about in the last update. It worked and everything, but it didn't feel "right" for this game. Instead, there are some conversations where you get to pick the topic. You also have the option to check out one or other of the girls' thoughts during the journey. I'm not 100% sure if these choices will change the ending (still have to write the ending....), but player choice is back in the game for reals, and to stay! You can kinda see this in the latest twine garden:

I've also decided to have a lil bit of art in the game. I often go on bushwalks with my partner, and I've started taking photos while I'm out and about, as the landscape around me is so beautiful, and will hopefully really add some really nice ambiance to the game.  The photos I've taken are all still just placeholders (I'm hoping to get my partner to take the final pics...he's super good at photography!), but I've started playing around with adding them into twine and adding some fun CSS. Check it out!

As for wordcount...don't even ask! 2.9k, but I have quite a few conversations and thoughts still to write - not to mention the ending.