Man, i wanted to play this game since I've seen it 2 days ago, finally I've give it a go!!
Well, first of all: Does the game really need a life system?? I don't really think it adds much to the experience really (I mean, it gives challenge who those that wants some, but in that case i thin it should be optional)
Then, I think it's a bit hard to shoot and platform at the same time, simply because you switch with the same button that you use to shoot, made especially risky that the fact that the ground can disappear right under your feet, it's not a good feeling. I suggest you giving a few frames when the player can jump even if it doesn't touch the ground (aka Koyote Jump, even tho it's often used for a different reason :P), Other than that it's a fun game!!
Music and artstyle are really, REALLY, good!! Good Job!!
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