True, but it's more an issue of ergonomics rather than functionality. Q is on one side of the keyboard whereas the "," and "." keys are on the other side (this goes for "I" as the inventory access also); and with one hand on the mouse, it breaks the flow of the game . Obviously, the focus of the game is on the bots, but there's no reason the main character can't be easy to use. I still think the number keys could be used for quick access to the inventory, especially the tools. 1 = axe, 2 = shovel, 3 = pickaxe, etc.
Don't get me wrong, I love the game. It reminds me of a mix between "Human Resource Machine" and "Factorio" and I realize you guys are progressively refining it. I'm not saying these are things that are wrong with the game, just suggestions on further refinements that could be made.