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(3 edits)

Hello Altosan und Herdone

Have there times einge questions have the last version 0.9.2 and am with the second part actually finished.Stand at the time135 Grades,235 Disceplin and Popular 65.The qeusts have all stand below continues in the nearest part 8in the sense).when it goes on or is that not yet the full version.?And how many parts are there actually?

Addendum: had overlooked the rest of Rachel's Qeut,
only I hang there now already 6 game weeks to observe whether she rubs herself to sleep. Otherwise, no more Qeust is open, is there now close or goes on. As already said version 9.02

Game days 464 Grades 573,Discepline452,Poplaity 103.

Ansonten Super game which is really fun and has great people variety.

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