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Honestly what with the game being subject to DMCA any damn day now, I've been meaning to release an open source for a while just in case. Especially considering my recent technical issues, MAYBE I should do that. I will go ahead and start releasing the source alongside all future builds, starting with last weeks build being put up now because who knows what could happen.

That being said, boob jiggle isn't super outside of the realm of possibility with the current build, and honestly more represents artistic limitation than anything. You may want to talk to Annon about that. 

ADDITIONALLY: as this game has no game design document, it has been a mad scramble of coding as I went along, and as a result of that (and my self-taught upbringing) please be aware that the source code is a complete fuckfest, total shitshow. I have no doubt a determined individual could dig around in there and optimize it, but I dare not place that burden on anyone's shoulders.

In theory I should be able to get boob jiggle just with the sprites that are already being provided, though I have only looked into it briefly and skimmed some similar scripts people have released, so I might be being too optimistic.

I might find myself optimising it here or there to make life easier for myself, but tbh I'm pretty used to working with shit code anyway so I'll probably just use it as is, ultimately I'll just be messing around with it when I need a fun break. On the bright side the game isn't processor heavy, so even if the code isn't optimised nobody's going to notice on the player end.


that's always been my excuse for not worrying too much about the shitshow that is my code

'its game maker studio, how much slowdown can it possibly cause when running a VN?'

nice to hear from someone else that this line of reasoning isn't COMPLETELY insane