Hi, I've played it through again!
First things first, really nice job! It's clear you've put in a load work since the last build and it certainly does show. This version was clearly much improved and since I already enjoyed the original that was great to see. You effectively built tension and created a very unsettling atmosphere, it reminded me in a lot of ways of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And the 1988 film Scarecrows, at least for the first section. I am a sucker for attentions to detail and it was obvious you'd made a lot of effort in this department. The cornfields rustling, the swing swinging, all the little things like that were just great. I loved the thunder storm and rain effects too. There was also a lot more going on in this demo and it definitely left me eager to see more by the end of the chapter.
Few little spelling errors I noticed;
> During the intro cutscene, 'strech' should be 'stretch'.
> When finding the schoolbus, 'It still warm' would be 'It is/it's still warm'.
> In the bloody building, when interacting with the two photos/portraits the dialogue is 'Why is everything is covered in blood' , the second is needs removing.
My only little issue, and this is a matter of personal preference more than anything else, is that the time that interaction dialogues are displayed is slightly too long. I guess this all depends on reading speed, but it would be nice if after interacting with something, pressing interact again would skip/cancel the dialogue. The only place this really became a niggle for me was that I like to interact with (absolutely) everything, and some of the windows had the same dialogue so I was just sort of waiting for a second or two. Like I say this is a really small and personal issue, haha.
Overall, this is a vast improvement and really awesome to see. A lot of projects on this and similar sites have tons of potential only to be abandoned a year or even a month or two after appearing and its a real shame, so it is great to see this project still going strong and with such improvement too. Really nice job to the team. Sorry for the essay length post, haha.