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The concept of this game sounds intriguing, and the storyboards are pretty nice. Unfortunately there's not much I can say about the submitted game itself; there's just not much to it. I normally try to rate incomplete games but this one I can't do in good conscience; it's more a tech demo than a minimum viable product or proof of concept.

I do like the art; the office environment is well detailed and the character models are visually appealing. I'm less certain about having a mobile-first WebGL game; presumably the final product would be an app?

Nah, I'm going full web with this one lol, I'm learning the WebGL route now to be ready to get into the WebGPU one once it is ready for production. While I fully understand why native apps are better for game in a technical way, I'm just sick of dealing with app stores, having to be up to date with their policies and to wait days to get a hot fix update going when I just want to put games out there jajaja also, I like the limitations of webGL because it keeps me away from the scope creep that have taken the life of previous projects of mine. 

BTW Thanks for passing by jajaja, feel free to come check back once in a while I hope to have a new build soon (and by soon I mean (and hope) before the rating period closes 🤞), this time with some actual gameplay.   

I totally understand your frustrations in dealing with app stores. For me it was constantly having to update to keep up with policies that was the biggest issue; it's probably not a huge deal if you develop apps for a living but I found it way too burdensome for side projects.