The functionality, or the display?
Display wise, I'm not that happy either. I tried to make the sprite look not-horrible when units move underneath it, but I'm not really happy with the results.
Yeah, the display. Functionality I've got no objections. The doors are just too wide, the one on the bottom looks like it's on stilts. The grass underneath it might be a mistake as well. With the old square one it was okay, but with this one it makes it look like it has no fundation and is going to collapse like a jenga tower at the first stiff breeze.
I think I could improve the gatehouse by changing some of the logic of how units move through buildings. When a unit enters the gatehouse, the individuals could bunch up to enter "single file", which would allow me to shrink the door without having people seem to phase through the wall.
Anything like that, though, would be post 2.0.