So, I am replaying the game (what can I say, I do like it, despite its flaws), and I happened across this gem:
Ashley: "A half-elf baby would be disgusting!"
OK, so... Are we going to let this pass quietly? Because that's a huge boner-killer to me. That's *my child* you are talking about, crazy girl.
This is what I mean when I say we should have the option to call her out on her BS. That is Not OK, not in any way shape or form.
...aaaand next scene:
Juliet: "No, not whatever. You're seriously going to fail Ashley. And you're lke my only friend there..."
This isn't a "call her out on her BS" line, because we don't understand that this is BS. We don't know the story and we are not yet aware of Ashley's mistake This is more of a "punch in the gut the second time you go through it". Because poor Juliet.
And I'm very conflicted about this: it's either amazing storytelling or terrible storytelling.
For the amazing storytelling option: How broken is Ashley that, even after she (supposedly) found some confidence and defeated the twin demons, she still cannot live up to her mistakes? I hope in one of the next updates she finds the courage to apologize to Juliet.
For the terrible storytelling option: Why are you still going on about that? Stop pretending you can't remember the girl's name!
I really want to believe that this is a bit of genius that will shine later on, once Ashley finally makes peace with her past.
Edit: yeah, no, the more I think about it, the better this is. This is BS of the highest order, and yet we don't understand that until later. Poor girls. Both of them.
How do you apologize to your very first friend *whom you've ignored for the last decade and a half"? You are a fucking genius Runey.