and i have ajust the heigt right
Buddy... I'm pretty sure I've told you this on another page, stop posting a bunch of different comments related to the same thing.
Use the EDIT or REPLY button!!!!
I'm going to leave this comment and delete the previous one to keep it neat.
REPLY to this comment if you need to ask a question that Relates to this subject...
Do not post a completely separate comment if you're replying to this comment chain, it's really annoying!
Sorry if it sounds harsh, but seriously, it's really really annoying.
On to the issue, movement with this system relies on a very different motion to what anyone is used to.
You have to bounce like you would naturally when walking, doing it in place is a bit weird, but once you get used to it, it becomes really easy.
To jump on a Vive controller, first you have to make sure the Vive Mode in the In Game Settings Menu is switched ON.
If it isn't I don't know what the button will be, I can't test it because I don't have a Vive.
With Vive Mode on, you Touch the Down Direction on the Right Hand Touchpad,
Then you hop nice and speedy, no need to go really high, no need to even lift off the ground if you can tip toe quickly.