Yeah, the dueling system isn't done very well right now. It definitely needs some more work.
It's weird about Jessa, sorting out that final event was the very last thing I worked on before uploading it. So I may have broken it right at the end.
As for rule clarifications, the things I have written down are
1. Is how the playground works in the software version right now correct? Where kids can trade what they brought for any number of cards so long as the strength total of the new cards never exceeds the strength total of the cards + Bucks they came with?
2. Once a card is in the pocket area, is that locked in? Say spiff got cards from the playground, but then you gained ego during the duel phase and he left. Do you get to keep that card or return it to the playground?
3. The thing I'm most confused about is betting ego.
My assumption is that you would keep it if you win/tie, but lose it if you lose. But then I'm not sure how the effects change things up.
Say I've gone to the alley. I have 20 ego total and have bet 10 on the duel.
My assumptions are:
Carl card is pulled, "After this duel, lose 15 Ego.
If I win/tie: Keep the 10 ego bet and then lose 15. Final ego: 5.
If I lose: I lose the 10 ego I bet, plus a further 15 ego. Final ego: 0.
Lumby But Giga card is pulled, "Lose 1 Buck for each Ego you bet. If you cannot pay the full amount, you cannot gain this card."
If I win/tie: Keep the 10 ego I bet. Final ego: 20
If I lose: Lose the 10 ego I bet. Final ego: 10
Both Of Griswald's Knees card is pulled, "Lose the Ego you bet, then reduce the amount of bet Ego by half."
If I win/tie: Lose bet ego no matter what. Final ego: 10.
If I lose: Lose bet ego no matter what. Final ego: 10.
Baby Filkiss card is pulled, "Immediately gain the amount of Ego you bet."
If I win/tie: I keep the 10 ego I bet, and then get another 15 from the effect. Final Ego 35.
If I lose: I lose the 10 ego I bet, but gain 15. Final Ego: 25.
Dirk Canyon, Esquire card is pulled, "If you win this duel without betting Ego, gain 10 Ego. Otherwise, lose the Ego you bet."
If I win/tie: Ego was bet, so lose it. Final ego: 10
If I lose: Lose the 10 ego I bet. Final ego: 10
Dog Bower's Dad card is pulled, "Reduce the amount of Ego bet by 10. If you tie or lose this duel, lose the card you dueled with."
If I win/tie: Bet ego is reduced to 0, the 10 remains in my total ego. Final ego: 20
If I lose: Bet ego is reduced to 0, the 10 remains in my total ego. No ego to lose. Final ego: 2