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I do not know if you are going to see this message but, anyway the game is maybe the better i played here, just 2 things: 1 - The controls -.- and 2 - the things that hurts the player, sometimes needs to be more visually obvious but in general the game for me is 8/10 Good job.

BTW: 200/200 XD

(1 edit)


I try to answer every message we receive, so here goes! 

The controls are quite special, and we tried to offer a different and unique gameplay.

If you want to provide some detailed feedback, please do so on this attached survey.

For the signs and visuals we always had in mind to make information clear for players, good point about spikes, we will see to it.

Congrats for the 200 notes!!! Another Legend of Symphonia has arisen! 
