Thanks for support!
Here is console readout, after starting on a new file, loading tileset, and pressing "build"
edit: i tried laoding 1k texture and it works. However, it would be cool if bigger textures could be loaded for uses beside pixel art
Thanks for the console dump. It looks like there are no overt errors, I just never considered the use case of very large textures.
cool, are you planing to make loading 2k+ maps available?
It will go in the todo pile, how soon it will be done will probably depend on the complexity
Great! good luck with your future work!
Hi Nikola, the latest version of Sprytile supports 2k+ tilesets. I'd like to get feedback if possible, I don't really have high res tilesets on hand to test it out myself. Thanks!
Thank you Jeiel! I have one prepared for exactly this occasion, will try It out as soon as I find some time.