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All production times are based off 100% city efficiency


The General is a special Infantry unit, used in regicide scenarios. He is assumed to travel with his guard, so he will move and fight like an Infantry unit.

The General is not "consumed" when it captures a city. It will be available next turn and will be in the city.

The General may transport one Infantry type of unit, except: Armor crews, Machinegun, Mortar and Seabee. Units being transported by the General may conduct hosted fire and the Recon unit is allowed hosted sighting from the General.

The General can be carried/transported on vehicle types that transport the Marine. The Submarine, all variants and the Recon Aircraft may also transport the General while the General itself is not hosting units. The Subs and Recon Aircraft only have capacity for one unit. In an emergency the General can enter a Coastal gun.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 1 damage.

(The hosted Infantry type is considered an asset and is to be assumed to be "attached" to the General as it's own personal support type.)

The General costs 14 to build.



Infantry units are the basic currency of conquest.

While slow and weak compared to other units, Infantry is vital to victory as they are capable of capturing cities.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 1 damage.

An Infantry's biggest advantage lies in its ability to be produced rapidly as many Infantry units can be produced in the time it takes to produce one Battleship.

Infantry units are best used for capturing enemy cities and defending your own cities and coastlines by judicious placement of sentries.

They are also capable of changing into Airbases.

Infantry cost 6 to build.



Assault Infantry

While slow the Assault infantry is very strong on close up melee assault against other Infantry types and they can be effective against armor units.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 2 damage.

The advantage Assault Infantry has over all other types of Infantry is the ability to ride on Armor. The "tank riders" can go into battle with support from their transport.

Assault Infantry units are best used for punching holes through enemy infantry defenses. They can capture enemy cities but are best used blunting enemy attacks or defenses. Use armor to move them close to the enemy and unload the Assault infantry directly onto the Infantry type defender or city.

Assault Infantry cost 9 to build.



Bazooka units are the are the first line of defense against armor and vehicles.

While slow they have the capability to inflict damage on vehicles. Bazooka units are vital to victory as they are capable of capturing cities.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 2 damage.

Bazooka units take slightly longer to build than infantry, But are worth the expense when deployed against vehicles and armor.

Bazooka units are infantry units equipped with a bazooka. Thus they fight similar to infantry when up against infantry type units.

Bazooka units best combat effect is ranged fire combat against vehicles. When forced to assault their effectiveness drops.

Bazookas cost 9 to build.



Engineers are a very versatile unit. They move and fight like Infantry, and can even capture cities, but they are too expensive to be risked in normal combat operations.

It is the other capabilities of the Engineer that makes it a bargain. It is able to construct Ports, Forts, Airbases Coastal Guns and Oil Facilities.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 2 damage.

It is able to build roads, and to lay or clear minefields. It can also spot minefields.

Engineers can also enter Mountain Peak terrain, something other Units cannot do.

In a pinch, the Engineers can assault vehicles and armor. The engineer has a ranged fire of 1 and is effective against vehicles.

Road Build Times:

Ground 1
Desert 1
Swamp 3
Snow 1
Hills 2
Mountain 4
River 2
Peaks 5
Forest 1
Shallow Water 0 Cannot move into hex
Deep Water 0 Cannot move into hex

Construction times:

Port 12
Oil Field 12
Fort 12
Airbase 6
Coastal Gun 48
Mines 2

Build Coastal Guns to cover large expanses then build an airbase to allow for spotting by running patrols out, this will help the limited sighting ability of the Coastal Gun. Build a chain of them and fortify with mines and forts. Forts need units inside of them as a fort has no ranged fire. Build networks of road chains, this way you can rush units to trouble spots especially in terrain that slows down movement and allows unit stacking, do you can move twice the amount at your normal movement rate.

Engineers cost 16 to build.



Machineguns are best used defending cities, ports, forts and airbases.

They have a range of two and are effective against all soft targets. Entrench them in mountains, desert, snow, hills and forest tiles for better defensive values. They make a good line of defense especially in forts.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

They do not fare well against armor.

They have a range of two and are best utilized when transported to location. They are no good if moving on their own, they cannot move and shoot. Lying in wait for potential targets is their best use.

The Machinegun is considered a crew served weapon, meaning they are best not used for melee with other units. Their combat strength is halved while in melee mode.

After capturing a city they will morph into the Squad Assault Weapon unit.

Machine guns cost 6 to build.



Mortars are effective against soft targets and opened top vehicles, such as Anti-aircraft and mobile artillery. They even have capability to harm ships if they are close enough to the Mortar. Put several together and you can rain down withering fire on advancing enemy.

They have a range of two and are best utilized when transported to location. They are no good if moving on their own, they cannot move and shoot. Lying in wait for potential targets is their best use.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 3 spaces and does 2 damage.

The Mortar is considered a crew served weapon, meaning they are best not used for melee with other units. Their combat strength is halved while in melee mode.

After capturing a city the unit will morph into a grenadier unit.

Mortars cost 10 to build.



Grenadiers are effective against soft targets and opened top vehicles, such as Anti-aircraft and mobile artillery. They even have capability to harm Armored Transports if they are close enough to the Grenadier.

They fight like regular infantry when in melee but their advantage over regular infantry is the ability to have a range of 2 when defensive firing. Their best use is to ride in a halftrack lending their fire support to other units spotting for them.

Another excellent use for the Grenadier is to line up Infantry and entrench them, then entrench the Grenadiers behind the Infantry and you will have a strong defensive line.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 2 damage.

They are semi effective against Armor units.

They fight like Infantry when attacking cities.

Grenadiers cost 8 to build.



Recon Infantry are weaker in strength than most infantry types. They are effectively watered down infantry in all other aspects. They are still able to attack cities.

They can see 1 terrain hex away and spot/reveal most land units at 2 spaces. They spot aircraft at 2.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 1 damage.

What they lack in strength they make up in value with their ability to spot units 1 space further than other infantry types. They are also able to be transported by Armored cars.

The Recon Infantry costs 7, the added value of observation boosts them 1 point more value to production than the Infantry unit.



The Squad Automatic Weapon "SAW" has a good attack value against other Infantry types.
The SAW is able to attack cities. It also has a bonus of ranged fire 2 against aircraft. Although it can fire at aircraft it is relatively weak as compared to other dedicated AA units.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

The SAW is best employed within halftracks to aid in AA defense or in support of other units on the attack.

The SAW takes 9 turns to produce.



Small Armor crew are generated whenever a city is captured by an Armor unit.

The AI does not build Small, Medium or Heavy Armor. So the AI will not be using Armor crews.
Limitations of AI to date.

Small Armor crew morph into armor when not in city, fort, port, airbase, or transport vehicle, plane or ship.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 1 damage.

They are weakest unit in game until they morph back into armor.

They cost 10 buypoints and the city does not produce them.

The Armor crew is created to represent the time needed for armor formations to refit and reequip the vehicles after fighting in a city.



Medium Armor crew are generated whenever a city is captured by an Armor unit.

The AI does not build Small, Medium or Heavy Armor. So the AI will not be using Armor crews.
Limitations of AI to date.

Medium Armor crew morph into armor when not in city, fort, port, airbase, or transport vehicle, plane or ship.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 1 damage.

They are weakest unit in game until they morph back into armor.

They cost 12 buypoints and the city does not produce them.

The Armor crew is created to represent the time needed for armor formations to refit and reequip the vehicles after fighting in a city.



Heavy Armor crew are generated whenever a city is captured by an Armor unit.

Heavy Armor crew morph into Heavy armor when not in city, fort, port, airbase, or transport vehicle, plane or ship.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 1 damage.

They are weakest unit in game until they morph back into Heavy armor.

They cost 17 buypoints and the city does not produce them.

The Heavy Armor crew is created to represent the time needed for armor formations to refit and reequip the vehicles after fighting in a city.

