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The Jeep is similar to the truck unit but carries 1 infantry type.

The jeep moves 3 spaces making it faster than the truck. It's a good unit for early expansion and can move a badly needed infantry type like a Bazooka to help deal with armored units.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1.

It's attack and defense values are relatively weak compared to all other units.

The Jeep takes 4 turns to produce.



The Light truck is similar to the truck unit but carries 1 infantry type or static gun type. It moves two hexes.

The unit is relatively cheap so you can dedicate light trucks to transport unload\drop then reload, move and setup to deal with fast moving front lines.

The Light truck takes 5 turns to produce.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1.

Like the Jeep, it's attack and defense values are relatively weak compared to all other units.



The truck is a very simple unit, capable of carrying two infantry units, 2 light static guns or 1 heavy gun while moving at armor speed.

The truck does not offer a strong defense for the units inside, and is very vulnerable to attacks. However do not under estimate the value of this unit. It is the best "land" transport. It enables infantry to travel twice as fast as they normally do. If you carefully plan your movements, you can rush up to a city in one turn and unload them to capture a city. In comparison Infantry marching up to city will take two turns and may be susceptible to defense fire by any unit in city on their game turn.

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1.

Trucks are not capable of offensive operations but they are great at supporting troop movements. Build roadways so you can use your full movement and stack up to two trucks per hex.

Trucks are cheap and fast, but not good for exploring, as they do not have much battlefield awareness.

They generally move over terrain the same as Armor.

The Truck takes 6 turns to produce.



The Halftrack is the staple of any mobile attack force capable of transporting most infantry types and having the effective firepower of the MG unit while having better defensive armor than the truck.

The Halftrack gives certain infantry types the ability to conduct ranged fire while being transported. The Mortar and Machinegun cannot utilize the Halftrack as a transport option.

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

Utilize the halftrack while on offense and defense. On offense it will provide it's cargo some protection when moving on enemy positions.
On defense the halftrack can be rushed into fill in the gaps much like a fire brigade when the players defensive perimeter begins to collapse.
Make wise selections as to the units being transported. Bazooka, Grenadier, Saw, Assault infantry, Engineer, Infantry, Recon infantry, Marine, General, they all have important roles to play. The proper selection at the right time may allow you to survive an otherwise untenable intrusion by armor for instance.

The Halftrack takes 10 turns to build.



Armored cars are used to recon the surrounding area. They can see 2 terrain hexes away and spot most land units at 2 spaces as well. They spot aircraft at 3.

They are the fastest land unit, moving at three spaces. They can carry one recon unit or the General.

The Armored car is half effective against armor. So trading shots with armor is generally a losing proposition.

Armored cars are not suited for melee attacks as it fights at half strength.

Armored cars cannot enter mountains or peaks. They cannot enter water squares except on Transports and take up twice as much space as an Infantry unit. They cannot travel through swamps.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

The Armored car is effective against soft targets, anit-aircraft and mobile artillery.

Armored cars cost 10 to build.



Small Armor units play a vital role in land offenses but have peculiar weaknesses that require a certain amount of skill to circumvent.

Their function is much the same as Infantry and they can do many of the same things. They are twice as fast and can take twice as much damage, but otherwise perform the same. They are less effective when fighting against stronger armor units. It does however have ranged fire.

It is important to note that when defending against shore bombardment and bomber attacks, Armor has no advantage over Infantry.

Small Armor cannot enter mountains or peaks. They cannot enter water squares except on Transports and take up twice as much space as an Infantry unit. They cannot travel through swamps.

If Small Armor unit successfully takes a city, it will immediately morph into an Armor crew at that city. If an attack is not completely successful, takes one damage during capture of city, no Armor crew will be created. It will be the same result as if infantry had captured the town. Next turn you can morph back into Small Armor if you wish.

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 2 damage.

The Small Armor Armor is semi-effective in melee and ranged fire.

Also the Small Armor can transport one Assault infantry. A very useful feature when you have to capture a city and defend it on the next turn.

Small Armor costs 12 to build.



Armor units play a vital role in land offenses but have peculiar weaknesses that require a certain amount of skill to circumvent.

It is important to note that when defending against shore bombardment and bomber attacks, Armor has no advantage over Infantry.

Armor cannot enter mountains or peaks. They cannot enter water squares except on Transports and take up twice as much space as an Infantry unit. They cannot travel through swamps.

Unit Statistics: 3 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 2 damage.

If an Armor unit takes a city, it will immediately produce an Armor car at that city. The Armor unit is effective in melee and ranged fire.

Also the Armor can transport one Assault infantry. A very useful feature when you have to capture a city and defend it on the next turn.

Armor costs 13 to build.

The difference between Armor and Medium Armor: Armor produces an Armored car after capturing city, when the Armored car attacks a city it turns into bazooka unit. Whereas Armor produces Armor crew which morphs back into Armor. Both units are the same amount to build likewise have similar combat stats until the morph process takes place.

The AI is not yet scripted to deal with morphing Armor crews and is given the out by morphing into an armored car.



Medium Armor units play a vital role in land offenses but have peculiar weaknesses that require a certain amount of skill to circumvent.

Their function is much the same as Infantry and they can do many of the same things. They are twice as fast and can take twice as much damage, but otherwise perform slightly better. It does have ranged fire.

It is important to note that when defending against shore bombardment and bomber attacks, Armor has no advantage over Infantry.

Medium Armor cannot enter mountains or peaks. They cannot enter water squares except on Transports and take up twice as much space as an Infantry unit. They cannot travel through swamps.

If Medium Armor unit takes a city, it will immediately produce a Medium Armor crew at that city. Next turn you can morph back into Medium Armor if you wish.

Unit Statistics: 4 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 2 damage.

The Medium Armor is effective in melee and ranged fire.

Also the Medium Armor can transport one Assault infantry. A very useful feature when you have to capture a city and defend it on the next turn.

Medium Armor costs 14 to build.



Heavy Armor units play a vital role in land offense. They are able to stand off and punish other land units from a distance. They are a unique armored option.

Unit Statistics: 5 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3 it has an effective fire of 3 spaces and does 3 damage.

The Heavy Armor Armor is effective in melee. They are the strongest armor unit in the game.

It is important to note that when defending against shore bombardment and bomber attacks, Armor has no advantage over Infantry.

Heavy Armor cannot enter mountains or peaks. They cannot enter water squares except on Transports and take up twice as much space as an Infantry unit. They cannot travel through swamps.

If Heavy Armor unit takes a city, it will immediately produce an Heavy Armor crew at that city. Next turn you can morph back into Heavy Armor if you wish.

Also the Heavy Armor can transport two Assault infantry. A very useful feature when you have to capture a city and defend it on the next turn.

Heavy Armor costs 17 to build.



The Light Artillery is capable of offensive and defensive ranged fire on ground level (land and sea) units.

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 4 spaces and does 2 damage.

It is weak on assaulting other units.

The Light Artillery unit is able to move 2 on its own.

Light Artillery cannot enter mountains or peaks. They cannot enter water squares except on Transports and take up twice as much space as an Infantry unit. They cannot travel through swamps.

Artillery units cannot attack air and sub level units.

Having two or more Light Artillery around can help stifle focused attacks.

Light Artillery costs 14 to build.

