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The 50mm Anti tank gun "ATG" is an option to hold ground in one area while you expand in another. It's role is purely defensive as it is weak in melee. It can conduct melee attack but is weak in offense.
It is well suited against Armored units.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

The 50mm ATG can only move 1 on clear terrain. They cannot be unloaded onto swamps, shallow water, deep water and mountain peaks. It needs the pack mule, truck, light truck, Recovery Tank, Transport, Liberty Ship or Air Transport to get it around, it may be placed in a fort. They cannot travel through swamps but can morph into pack mules to negotiate swamps. However if a road network is available the unit may "walk" or be "rolled" down the road 1 hex at a time. (You will need to select use roads from game play options during game setup.)

The 50mm ATG costs 8 to build.



The Heavy Artillery is capable of offensive and defensive ranged fire on ground level (land and sea) units.

It is not capable of directly offensively engaging in melee with other units in combat.

Heavy Artillery needs to be transported by truck or ship. They cannot be unloaded onto swamps, shallow water, deep water and mountain peaks. It is the best land unit to help dwindle high enemy concentrations before and during your offensive forays into enemy occupied territories. It also automatically helps out during defensive fire upon most advancing enemies land and sea. Place it in a fort or entrench it for better protection if it is actively harassed by enemy fire. However if a road network is available the unit may "walk" or be "rolled" down the road 1 hex at a time. (You will need to select use roads from game play options during game setup.)

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3 it has an effective fire of 6 spaces and does 2 damage.

It earns the nickname the king of Battle.

It however is susceptible to most melee attacks, so keep a truck close by to haul it away if enemies are two close.

The Halftrack cannot transport Heavy Artillery. <For limitations of game engine. I would have to allow 2 portage points, then two infantry types could fire from halftrack.> Not my intention.

It takes 24 turns to build Heavy Artillery.



The 20mm Anti Aircraft (AAA) unit is used to defend a region from invading aircraft. It cannot be stressed enough, once enemy aircraft are about a player will begin to "feel" naked without some sort of Air cover. AAA is cheap enough to be placed in strategic locations providing as much cover as possible. Having several AAA's placed about will make a player think twice before committing their aircraft to withering gun fire.

It range attacks Air units, Reconnaissance Aircraft, Air Transport, Light Fighter, Fighter, Ground Attack, Medium Bomber and Bomber units. It also does well against soft targets and mediocre against infantry (I selected this option as a compromise, the Machinegun unit would never be chosen or the AAA would be prohibitively expensive).

The 20mm Anti Aircraft unit can only move 1 on clear terrain. They cannot be unloaded onto swamps, shallow water, deep water and mountain peaks. It needs the pack mule, truck, light truck, Recovery Tank, Transport, Liberty Ship, Armored Transport or Air Transport to get it around. However if a road network is available the unit may "walk" or be "rolled" down the road 1 hex at a time. (You will need to select use roads from game play options during game setup.)

The 20mm Anti Aircraft may be placed into a fort to provide it some protection.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 3 spaces and does 2 damage.

It takes 9 turns to build Anti Aircraft.



The Anti Air Jeep is a cheap way to produce AA units to get your Airspace covered.

It has nominal attack and defense capabilities but it does offer some protection against Aircraft. It is also semi-weak on melee, but it can slightly hold it's own in ranged fire against Infantry types and soft targets.

The AA Jeep moves 3 spaces per turn so it is the fastest AA land unit.

The AA unit cannot transport units.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

It takes 7 turns to produce.



The Anti Aircraft unit is used to defend a region from invading aircraft.

It range attacks Air units, Reconnaissance Aircraft, Air Transport, Light Fighter, Fighter, Ground Attack, Medium Bomber and Bomber units. It also does well against soft targets and mediocre against infantry.

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 4 spaces and does 2 damage.

Anti Aircraft cannot enter mountains or peaks. They cannot enter water squares except on Transports and take up twice as much space as an Infantry unit. They cannot travel through swamps. They cannot be unloaded onto swamps, shallow water, deep water and mountain peaks.

The Anti Aircraft unit is able to move 2 on its own. It's great for accompanying a mobile armored group and is able to fire defensively the next turn it stops moving. A caveat of this unit, it does not fire after moving, so plan your tactics wisely.

The Anti Aircraft unit is capable of defensive fire. It has a ranged fire of four.

The Anti Aircraft unit is weak on defense, depending on striking its enemy first, before being attacked.

The Anti Aircraft costs 12 to build.



The 76.2mm Anti Aircraft "AA" unit is used to defend a region from invading aircraft.

This is the best choice for AAA defense on Land.

It range attacks Air units, Reconnaissance Aircraft, Air Transport, Light Fighter, Fighter, Ground Attack, Medium Bomber and Bomber units. It also does well against soft targets and mediocre against infantry.

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3 it has an effective fire of 5 spaces and does 2 damage.

The 76.2 AA is unable to move. It needs the Truck, Recovery Tank, Armored Transport, Transport or Liberty Ship to get it around.

The 76.2 AA can not move on clear terrain. They cannot enter water squares except on Transports and take up twice as much space as an Infantry unit. They cannot be unloaded onto swamps, shallow water, deep water and mountain peaks. However if a road network is available the unit may "walk" or be "rolled" down the road 1 hex at a time. (You will need to select use roads from game play options during game setup.)

It is capable of defensive fire. It has a ranged fire of five.

This unit does not melee other units. It still can range fire at other units, but it is considered dedicated in the air defense mode and not configured for optimum anti-tank defense (for this mod's purposes).

The Anti Aircraft costs 18 to build.



The Recovery tank is a mobile repair garage for large armored formations, when your cities are not close enough to repair Armored units. This unit will allow you to recycle damaged units faster, possibly giving you an attritional advantage over your opponent. It has firepower equivalent to the halftrack.

Unit Statistics: 3 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

It can transport all Assault Infantry, Armor units, AA, ATG, Artillery and repairs 1 damage per turn for each damaged hosted unit.

It can carry up to 3 portage points, from 3 Assault Infantry to 1 Heavy Tank.

It takes 13 turns to produce.

