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Reconnaissance Aircraft are weak in attack, they can see 3 spaces out and are cheap to produce.

These units can give you an extreme advantage in selecting targets for your other units to shoot at, also knowing where your opponent is coming from or advancing to. Knowing where to marshal your forces and setup the proper units to deal with a threat is utterly invaluable in this game.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1.

They can transport: Recon Infantry & the General.

The aircraft can move 4 spaces per turn, for a total of 16 but must return to City, Airbase, Aircraft Carrier.

It takes 8 turns to produce a Reconnaissance Aircraft.



Light Fighters have the same movement as recon aircraft. They make an excellent hunter versus the Reconnaissance Aircraft.

They fight as well as an Infantry and can move considerably faster. They can travel over land, water and fly over friendly units.

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

They cannot capture cities, but can disrupt production by bombing a city. Best use the bombers or ground attack aircraft for this duty.

Light Fighters make adequate scouts for exploring unexplored territory and for patrolling against enemy incursions, but are limited by their range. They make for good "CAP" Combat Air Patrol, when no land AA units are present. They are well suited to accompany an Aircraft Carrier and provide air support for a convoy.

They are slightly outmatched by the Fighter.

All AA units have a shot of doing damage to the light fighter.

It takes 10 turns to produce a Light Fighter.



Fighters are the quickest air unit in the game.
However they do not have the range of the Bomber, Medium Bomber and the Air Transport.

They fight slightly better than the light fighter and are are a genuine threat to all the other aircraft types.

Unit Statistics: 3 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

They cannot capture cities, but can disrupt production by bombing a city.Best use the bombers or ground attack aircraft for this duty.

Fighters make good scouts for exploring unexplored territory and for patrolling against enemy incursions, but are limited by their range.

All AA units have a shot of doing damage to the Fighter.

In a pinch the Fighter can take on land units if no Ground Attack or Bombers are present. They should be used sparingly in this role. Also they make excellent air defense and scouting options for the Aircraft Carrier and Air Base.

It takes 14 turns to produce a Fighter.



Ground Attack aircraft are slower than Fighters but have a slightly longer range. They fight well normally, but fight weakly when in combat against Fighters and have three hit points.

They can do as much damage as a Cruiser.

Ground Attack aircraft may land on Carriers, the Airbase or the City.

They may disrupt city production and damage city production efficiency. They are a great choice when attacking land units. Be sure to rest and repair them, remember an exhausted Ground Attack aircraft fights with a combat handicap modifier if you try to push your luck on attacks. They do well against ships, but eventually your luck will run out if you persist attacking other ships or choose to attack the Battleship.

Unit Statistics: 3 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 2 damage.

A good strategy is to attack damaged and limping warships struggling to make it back to port.

Another solid strategy is to attack transports carrying troops. If you do not sink the transport but do damage, you may end up killing some units traveling inside the transport.

All AA units have a shot of doing damage to the Ground Attack aircraft.

The Ground Attack Aircraft is a good choice when attacking other units. It may not be as strong as the Bomber type of aircraft but it has many different roles to play when considering offensive air options.

As it is able to be transported by the carrier, the ground attack role is expansive as the sea it travels on.

It takes 12 turns to produce a Ground Attack Aircraft.



Medium Bombers are slower than Fighters but have a longer range. They fight well normally, but are less capable when in combat against Fighters. They have better hitting power than a Ground Attack Aircraft and have four hit points.

They can do as much damage as a Battleship.

Unit Statistics: 4 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

Medium Bombers may not land on Carriers.

Medium Bombers may disrupt city production and damage city production efficiency.

Keep Medium Bombers close to your city if enemy units are threatening it. They can pop out of a city and bomb any immediate threats.

It takes 16 turns to produce a Medium Bomber



Bombers are slower than Fighters but have a longer range. They fight well normally, but are less capable when in combat against Fighters. They have better hitting power than Ground Attack Aircraft, Medium Bombers are comparative but the Bombers have five hit points.

They can do as much damage as a Battleship.

Unit Statistics: 5 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3 it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

Bombers may not land on Carriers.

Bombers may disrupt city production and damage city production efficiency.

The Bomber if used sparingly but tactically can have a long life span. They are great when used as a fire brigade unit, especially when Frigates and Destroyers show up when least expected.

It takes 18 turns to produce a Bomber.



The Air Transport has a limited capacity and a limited range, but is excellent for quickly delivering units to areas that would otherwise be very difficult to get to. Amass a large amount of Air Transports and load them up with units, fly to an area where you would like a large group or "blocking force" to inhibit free movement for your opponent possibly buying you enough time to accomplish your expansionist goals. Air Transports can be used as solo exploration and deployment expansion units, meaning fly twelve hexes out and discover a neutral city and drop one or two infantry to capture it. You could expediently cover plenty of area perhaps giving you and advantage over your opponent.

You could use them as taxi's moving city to city with their max distance of 24 and stockpile infantry for a transport to collect for offensive operations.

Unit Statistics: 4 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1.

When airborne, the Air Transport cannot directly unload units; instead it is only capable of Dropping a unit in the hex it is currently in (if there is no ground level unit already there).

Units that are dropped are not capable of moving until their next turn. Units cannot be dropped on enemy units.

The Air Transport unit may only load units when it is on the ground in a city or airbase.

