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Armored Transports are capable of carrying various unit types over water and are an effective way to capture cities on other land masses when carrying Infantry or Armor.

Armored Transports start with a hold capacity of 4; i.e., they can hold up to 4 Infantry. If the number of Infantry held on an Armored Transport exceed its holding capacity after being damaged, the excess units are eliminated.

If an Armored Transport is sunk, all units of the Armored Transport are destroyed as well.

Armored Transports fare poorly in combat and should be kept out of it at all costs. Since the loss of a single Armored Transport can also result in the loss of its entire cargo, they should not go unescorted even in relatively safe areas. For similar reasons, enemy Armored Transports are always targets of opportunity.

Armored Transports are great for initial expansion. Capture as many new cities as possible then switch over to Transports, Liberty Ships or Ocean Liners to carry more units to areas needing more support.

Submarines are the bane of all Armored Transports.

Unit Statistics: 4 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1. They moves 2 spaces per turn.

The Armored Transport takes 20 turns to build in city.



Transports are capable of carrying various unit types over water and are an effective way to capture cities on other land masses when carrying Infantry or Armor.

Transports start with a hold capacity of 6; i.e., they can hold up to 6 Infantry. If the number of Infantry held on a Transport exceed its holding capacity after being damaged, the excess units are eliminated.

If a Transport is sunk, all units of the Transport are destroyed as well.

Transports fare poorly in combat and should be kept out of it at all costs. Since the loss of a single Transport can also result in the loss of its entire cargo, they should not go unescorted even in relatively safe areas. For similar reasons, enemy Transports are always targets of opportunity.

Capture as many new cities as possible then switch over to Liberty Ships or Ocean Liners to carry more units to areas needing more support.

Submarines are the bane of all Transports.

Unit Statistics: 6 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1. They moves 2 spaces per turn.

The Transport takes 30 turns to build in city.



Liberty Ships are capable of carrying armor, armor crews, AA\AT guns and vehicles types over water and are an effective way to capture cities on other land masses when carrying Infantry. The Liberty has a dual role, it can also transport and repair damaged (ships and transports) except: Aircraft Carrier, Battleship, Battlecruiser, any cruiser type, Oceanliner, liberty ship.

Liberty Ships start with a hold capacity of 12; i.e., they can hold up to 12 Marine, General, Armor crew, any Armor type (portage points apply for vehicles), truck, Light Truck, Jeep, AA Jeep, Artillery, AA and ATG including their pack mules. If the number of units held on a Liberty Ship exceed its holding capacity after being damaged, the excess units are eliminated. If a Liberty Ship is sunk, all units of the Liberty Ship are destroyed as well.

Liberty Ships can repair: Armor Transport, Transport, Patrol boat, AA Frigate, Frigate, AA Destroyer and Destroyer. The damaged ships are treated like a transportable unit - limitation of game engine - consider them moored to liberty ship and are susceptible to damage or out right elimination should the liberty ship be damaged or destroyed.

Liberty Ships fare poorly in combat and should be kept out of it at all costs. Since the loss of a single Liberty Ship can also result in the loss of its entire cargo, they should not go unescorted even in relatively safe areas. For similar reasons, enemy Liberty Ships are always targets of opportunity.

Submarines are the bane of all Liberty Ships.

Unit Statistics: 12 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1. They move 2 spaces per turn.

The Liberty Ship takes 48 turns to build in city.



Ocean Liners are capable of carrying various infantry types over water and are an effective way to capture cities on other land masses when carrying Infantry. They are dedicated troop transports only, no vehicles can be transported.

Ocean Liners start with a hold capacity of 12; i.e., they can hold up to 12 Infantry. If the number of Infantry held on a Ocean Liner exceed its holding capacity after being damaged, the excess units are eliminated.

If a Ocean Liner is sunk, all units of the Ocean Liner are destroyed as well.

Ocean Liners fare poorly in combat and should be kept out of it at all costs. Since the loss of a single Ocean Liner can also result in the loss of its entire cargo, they should not go unescorted even in relatively safe areas. For similar reasons, enemy Ocean Liners are always targets of opportunity.

Submarines are the bane of all Ocean Liners.

Unit Statistics: 12 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1. They moves 3 spaces per turn.

The Ocean Liner takes 60 turns to build in city.

