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The Light Cruiser AA are the best option to use for AA defense when at sea.

They are excellent for escorting Transports, weakening enemy Combat Air Patrol (CAP) and Submarine hunting. Although not the best option to use for Submarine hunting they are adequate.

They can transport 2 units, the general and marine units. They can load 3 units at a time.

The Light Cruiser AA is not ideally suited to engage enemy ships in combat. It is more useful providing a "defensive umbrella" against aircraft for other ships.

Unit Statistics: 12 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2, it has an effective fire of 5 spaces and does 2 damage.

Light Cruiser AA take 28 turns to build in city.



Light Cruisers are the easiest and quickest to produce of the capital ships. They fight well and are capable of shore bombardment.

They are excellent for escorting Transports, Aircraft Carriers, weakening enemy land defenses and Submarine hunting.

They can transport 2 units, the general and marine units. They can load 3 units at a time.

The Light Cruiser cannons can also allow it to engage the enemy without getting damaged via ranged fire combat, and disrupt city's production.

Unit Statistics: 14 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2, it has an effective fire of 5 spaces and does 2 damage.

Light Cruisers take 32 turns to build in city.



Cruisers are your best choice to lead transport groups, they are middle of line of the capital ships. They fight well and are capable of shore bombardment.

They are excellent for escorting Transports, weakening enemy land defenses and Submarine hunting.

They can transport a General.

The Cruisers cannons can also allow it to engage the enemy without getting damaged via ranged fire combat, and disrupt city's production.

Unit Statistics: 16 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 2, it has an effective fire of 6 spaces and does 2 damage.

Cruisers take 36 turns to build in city.



Battlecruisers are the second largest and second most powerful of all the ground level units in the game. The large amounts of damage they can take make them durable and very hard to kill.

Battlecruisers are best used to gain sea superiority by sinking enemy ships. They also perform well as softeners for a prelude to an invasion by use of their shore bombardment ability.

They can transport a General.

They cannot detect Submerged or Deep Submarines. They are very vulnerable to Submerged Submarine attacks.

Due to their enormous production times, Battlecruisers are far too valuable to be wasted on simple chores such as shoreline patrol and Transport escort.

The Battlecruisers also has very powerful cannons to conduct ranged fire combat. These cannons can disrupt a city's production and do significant damage to Coastal Guns and Forts.

Unit Statistics: 20 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3, it has an effective fire of 7 spaces and does 3 damage.

The Battlecruiser takes 56 turns to build in city.



Battleships are the largest and most powerful of all the ground level units in the game. The large amounts of damage they can take make them durable and very hard to kill.

Battleships are best used to gain sea superiority by sinking enemy ships. They also perform well as softeners for a prelude to an invasion by use of their shore bombardment ability.

They can transport a General.

They cannot detect Submerged or Deep Submarines. They are very vulnerable to Submerged Submarine attacks.

Due to their enormous production times, Battleships are far too valuable to be wasted on simple chores such as shoreline patrol and Transport escort.

The Battleship also has very powerful cannons to conduct ranged fire combat. These cannons can disrupt a city's production and do significant damage to Coastal Guns and Forts.

Unit Statistics: 24 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 3, it has an effective fire of 8 spaces and does 3 damage.

The Battleships takes 60 turns to build in city.



Almost as hard to produce as a Battleship, Carriers are a vital part of any major fleet action.

Carriers are as durable as Cruisers but do not have the same innate offensive ability. They do have limited AA capability.

They can transport a General.

The Carrier is a naval unit that can transport Reconnaissance plane, Light Fighter, Ground Attack and Fighters. When not damaged, it can carry up to 24 points of Aircraft. If a Carrier is damaged and its transport capacity is reduced below what it carries, some units will be lost.

Carriers function best when fully loaded with Aircraft and escorted by other ships. AA Frigate, Frigate, AA Destroyer, Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Light Cruiser AA and Surface Submarine are the best Choices. If you have a spare Battleship or Battlecruiser then so much the better.

Unit Statistics: 16 hitpoints, melee attack strength of 1, it has an effective fire of 2 spaces and does 1 damage.

The Aircraft Carrier takes 60 turns to build in city.

