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Marine units are amphibious infantry.

A Marines biggest advantage lies in its ability to be transported by all patrol boats, frigate, destroyer and Light Cruiser classes. They are able to be transported by most transport units as well.

Marine units are best used for capturing enemy cities via deep sea or coastline. They can also hitch rides on the patrol boat and travel up rivers to get to landlocked cities. They may also be transported like the infantry.

Marines are slightly better at combat than regular infantry types.

Marines take 2 turns longer to build than the infantry unit but they are worth the wait as they are much more versatile and they have a slight edge in combat.

Unit Statistics: 1 hitpoint, melee attack strength of 1, it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 1 damage.

Marine cost 8 to build.



Sea Bees are an aquatic version of Engineers. Their specialization is an extension of that of an Engineer in some ways, but limited in others. The Seabee is considered also motorized for some land terrain.

They can travel in Deep and Shallow Water, and have the capability to build Roads in shallow and Deep Water.

They move 2 spaces in general on the open waters, but can also traverse land except mountains and mountain peaks.

Road Build Times:

Ground 1
Desert 1
Swamp 3
Snow 2
Hills 2
Mountain 0 Cannot move into hex
River 2
Peaks 0 Cannot move into hex
Forest 2
Shallow Water 6
Deep Water 8

Construction times:

Port 12
Oil Field 12
Fort 12
Airbase 6
Coastal Gun 48
Mines 2

Unit Statistics: 2 hitpoint, melee attack strength of 2, it has an effective fire of 1 spaces and does 1 damage.

Sea Bees cost 8 to build.



The Pack Mule AA morphs into the 20mm AA unit.

The 20mm AA can only travel roads or clear terrain, after that it will need some form of transport to traverse other terrain types.

The Armor Transport, Transport, Liberty Ship can carry the Pack Mule AA. Only the Ships listed above will carry the morphed Pack Mule AA, Land and Air transports will not.

The Pack mule comes in handy as it travels most terrain types at a speed of 1.

It has no offensive capability as the 20mm AA is considered "broken down" / dis-assemled for transit purposes.

The Pack Mule AA cannot be purchased, it is "calfed" / born, when you choose to morph the 20mm AA so you can move into rough terrain.

Cannot build Pack Mule AA from city.



The Pack Mule ATG morphs into the 50mm ATG unit.

The 50mm ATG can only travel roads or clear terrain, after that it will need some form of transport to traverse other terrain types.

The Armor Transport, Transport, Liberty Ship can carry the Pack Mule ATG. Only the Ships listed above will carry the morphed Pack Mule ATG, Land and Air transports will not.

The Pack mule comes in handy as it travels most terrain types at a speed of 1.

It has no offensive capability as the 50mm ATG is considered "broken down" / dis-assemled for transit purposes.

The Pack Mule ATG cannot be purchased, it is "calfed" / born, when you choose to morph the 50mm ATG so you can move into rough terrain.

Cannot build Pack Mule ATG from city.

