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ok ik its not my place to say this. but i really like this game but after a few hours its just gets boring. i think you should create a remastered version, so that you can just add updates to it instead of having to delete code to update it. i think this game can have some potential and i would pay money for this if it ever gets bigger. after a few more updates this would be a worthy 10 dollar game. im sorry if you think im trying to be mean but i want to see this game evolve into something bigger. but i love it and i do kinda miss the weird wantedness level, but if you ever do add that back in it should have like a cooldown, like every 2 days without getting caught it goes down by like 1. if you read this and think about it that would mean alot, thank you for your time.

(1 edit) (+1)

also the font for this page is really cool


It is Exactly Your Place to say this! Comments like yours are the reason I have comments enabled, my man!

I do respect your humbleness, no one wants to hurt anyone's feelings, we're all trying to have fun here, it's games after all :)

Thanks to your comment I'm closer to believing I could invest in making this demo-like game into something bigger more fully featured and it having an audience!

(I could never dream of someone playing my game for hours, so a super thanks for playing and taking the time to comment!)


yea, no problem, this game was really fun to play and learn

"I could never dream of someone playing my game for hours"

Well, it's real! :) You've got at least two players who love the crap out of this game and already dumped ~5 into it on the first day!


And im back to spend some more hours on this game. lmao

And i just figured out that you can disable cameras

haha great! It was added a few versions back :)

lol, I've put in like 8 hours of gameplay into this game, my highscore was in the 5000s and i think the farest ive every gotten in days. is 34 days. I still love this game

My partner and I played this every day for like two weeks straight and we ended up surviving for over a hundred days a few times. Mentions frequently about how we have to come back and play it again soon haha. Lovelovelove this game!

All the hard work: Worth It! 😃

Thanks for playing and coming back to comment, I'm feeling warm and fuzzy now.

Haha, of course! Happy to send the warm fuzzies your way!