Thanks for the feedback GammaFoxTBG! I really appreciate it! 💖
I agree movement already can feel a bit slow. I will likely speed up the character movement a bit to make the player feel a bit more nimble. But also I think I will need to create some kind of theme appropriate fast-travel system to move between the main areas of the world.
I also agree about bigger speech bubbles. I’ve just been avoiding trying to code multi-line speech bubbles and just breaking up the text for now, but eventually I will need to tackle that.
The grass and flowers are going to get a complete revamp eventually. I’d like them to be reactive to the player (like move as the player brushes by them) and maybe eventually have a wind system that can make the grass and tree leaves sway. I just started on this today and it’s been fun, my first time using shaders!
I appreciate the compliments and the thoughtful comments!