What a fantastic game! Perfectly polished in aesthetic and sound design, brilliantly written with some deep philosophical themes, and a plot that unfolds in a way that I didn't expect (especially considering that looping scenarios are a part of the gameplay) but which fits regardless. I loved how you balanced the reveals about both characters involved so that in the end they really were both on equal footing in terms of how the player may view them.
A lot of times when visual novels rely on "Groundhog Day" plots like this it can get a little tedious with trial and error gameplay, but the little and big changes you get as the game goes on kept me thinking about each choice I made even when I was in essence just trying to get to the true ending. Even after getting the true ending, I'm wondering about the choices I made in the end... Similarly, while at first I was a little put off at not being able to skip dialogue I've already seen before or roll back in case I missed something, even this really serviced the plot of the game in obvious ways later (no spoilers but I loved that mechanic btw.)
It blows my mind that you guys were able to put this together in ten days. Really amazing job!