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Hi recently started playing the game and I love it. I was wondering, what does it mean with the corruption path anyways? Are there more benefits like the characters liking or loving you more? Take the lumberjack for instance, according to the guide, he can either be a bottom or "normal", does he love you or like you more on the corrupt way or the noncorrupt, or are there equal opportunities either way? Are Rhot and/or Roushk able to be lovers with your character later on in either the good route or corrupt route? Is Nauxus or at least other characters like that coming in as a crossover again? I also believe that the guide needs to be updated either way, especially for the character tabs. 

Oki so the benefits of multiple relationships is just special events for the characters for now, and the corrupted vs normal routes you don't get to have the character fall in love with you if you chose the corrupted route. Logan doesn't gain hearts and only wants to screw around. With Roushk and Rhot the corrupted route Roushk is insane and Rhot is fighting it and you with everything he's got. Then the crossover characters is not very likely as I think it was a one time thing, but maybe because like half of every person who played this has asked about another crossover I think it's got a possibility. Not a big one but maybe. Then the guide does need to be updated due to it being a bit out dated, I was working on posting a every event guide but Jesus Christ that took like half an hour to write around 20 events and that barely scratched the surface.....