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(8 edits)

I have supported hyao on patreon and played ver 0.30 for the whole night.

As for me this update is quite disappointing.

The main change is UI

1.Now you can see characters and the words at the same time, it makse the conversation more vivid.

2. Bareshade has its own map,  now if you want to pay a visit to the tavern, just tap on the map. But when you are outside the store, your menu bar is not visable.

3. Things in your bag will have their own icon, but in 0.30, most materials own have a "?" on it. I mean, I think it's a good update but... you know, when you open your bag and find a bagfull of "?", it's quite annoying . Besides the font size is too small.

4.A reset button has been added to the UI of making potion but the new UI is very very clumsy, each material has its own icon and like I just have mentioned most of them are "?", the font size make it even worse. I prefer the old UI.

5. The time you need to travel to somewhere else is doubled. In 0.28, you spend 60 minutes to get to Bateshade from your home and 290 minutes to Northcrest, but in 0.30, it takes 135 minutes to Bareshade and 590 minutes to Northcrest, maybe it's more realistic, but I'm not pleased to it.

6. Charisma makes Appearence not as invincible as used.

7. The most important thing.

Most of the story are still WIP, it makes me feel sick, you know, I have been waiting for months to get into the ORC'S CAMP or take orcs to my prison but no , as far as I have played, NO.

Please, can anyone please tell me I'm wrong, there are something I should do before sneaking in orc's camp, there are orc's lure to tame those sexy orcs.

Hope next upgrade be better, I will continue to support.

Thank you for tolerating my poor English.

(1 edit) (+2)

this patch was announced like two months ago, what you dont see - lot of behind background stuff was rewritten, made completely anew, stuff will be added...


I was planning to play the v0.30, but after seeing this and agreeing to it.

I decided to stop playing for now since I see the new update is kinda lame.

I know it's still a WIP, but damn.

It's kinda disappointing.

Thank you Ushallnotbepassed for sharing!

But good work making VN and such.

Put a lot of effort and time to it.

8/10 for me. ^^