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I know I'm a couple years late, but I played this and it was absolutely fantastic! 

Hey, nice makeup on the vid thumbnail ! Thanks a lot for playing our game and dropping us a line. It looks like you enjoyed the atmosphere :) Sorry for the "backtrack in the tunnel to fetch the crowbar" bit - it was a plot-device to set up the encounter with the red thing, and we had very little time on our hands. I was glad to see that you still liked it !

I'd personally very much like to continue working on the game and tell the rest of the story, but the other guys of my team have to dedicate their time to other stuff for a living so for now I've only made a game editor so that we can make other episodes. As soon as something cool is ready I'll post it here, so you'll probably hear about it.

Anyway thanks again for giving the game some of your time and keep up the good work with your videos !