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I really enjoyed playing this entry. I did find a couple bugs, though. The first has already been mentioned, after my first play I kept the unlocked towers. The other being that once I selected a tower to place it wouldn’t let me select a different tower so I had to place the one I had chosen. I found that made it harder to react to the sudden appearance of an enemy.

I found it fun to play and I have a strong urge to master the game. However, there are a couple things that would help with strategic playing - in my opinion.

  1. The planet rotation is a little slow so I often don’t have time to rotate and wait for the gun tower to lock onto the enemies before they attack
  2. It would be convenient to have forewarning of which direction enemies are coming from, prior to them appearing on the screen.

With those two changes I reckon my avg. play time would be much longer, giving you time to introduce more challenging enemies.

 Wow, that's quite precise feedback, thanks for it! It's great to know you felt the urge to get better at the game, and those suggestions really seem that will make the game quite better, along with the bugs reported.

 I'll try to work on a update with the bug fixes, more enemies, and hopeful a more interesting gameplay by then. Right now I'm a bit busy, but it is about time I started to really update the jam versions of our games. Once again thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed playing so much!