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Hahaha I really like the background of this game, the voice of the saleslady really annoys me(in a good way) It makes me want to pee during the whole time lol.

But, the game has a big problem in performance, my laptop is roaring and the game is Super laggy. I think it might because of the engine but I'm not sure. 

So I didn't finish it since I feel my laptop will explode soon but I really like the idea!

Sorry about the performance problems! I made a (not so wise) decision to slap on some 3D lights before I did my final build and upload, and only realized that lights kill performance when I tested it after the deadline. (I had no idea the lights would make it so laggy.... I guess my inexperience with 3D shows, hehe.) 

But I'm glad you like the idea! The voice acting was my favorite part to do!

Ah, I'll try to fix it when the submitting system isn't locked anymore (which will be in a week, I think).