So I went to CGX Montreal and had a good time. The feedback I got there had changed the tutorials of the game. I realized that no one reads on screen tutorial text.
On Saturday I had a full day where all I did was clean the codebase and optimize. It felt pretty great. I'm going to another event in Montreal soon. I'll have a booth at the Montreal Indie Games Festival in November.
As a side note I discovered this week that I could make meme levels in 15 minutes or less. I'll have to think of something.
Removed text tutorials. Removed old level 1 and moved those tutorials to the old levels 2 & 4, which are now levels 1 and 3.
Added a new level 4 and edited several old levels.
Improved camera shake.
Added the following sounds. Menu select, block collision, secret activating.
The main menu now includes the main character jumping across the letters.
Increased particle color. Reduced the falling stars size to compensate.
Cleaned codebase and optimized code.
Increase player horizontal control.
Fixed a bug which would enable double jumping.
The game now checks if all the blocks left are off screen and adjusts the view to compensate (checked when a block is hit).
Changed player collision particles to be a darker red.
Increased block glow size slightly.