Hi and thanks for this game!
As an extra note for Linux users, this application is compatible with Java 8 runtime environment installed while is incompatible with more recent ones like Java 11.
In an Ubuntu-like system (Lubuntu 18.04 in my case) the following packages are required:
- openjdk-8-jdk;
- openjdk-8-jdk-headless;
- openjdk-8-jre;
- openjdk-8-jre-headless;
Once installed, open a terminal in the game installation directory and:
- give to "Racing.jar" execution privilege, that is execute "chmod a+x ./Racing.jar;"
- If no other version of Java are installed at same time, game can be started with:
--> "java -jar ./Racing.jar";
- Otherwise, game must be started specifically with the 8-th Java runtime environment version: again in an Ubuntu-like system, execute instead "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar ./Racing.jar";