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I have major problems with this game when I try to run it runs like crap and then when it finally loaded the title screen it would not let me click on anything. I could not start a new game I could not get into settings to see if maybe they were set too high I couldn't do anything. Then when I pressed my windows key to get it to at least allow me to get back to the desktop and close the windows of the game not working I go over to the icon of the game on the bottom bar of the windows screen to find that game opened two copies of the game and I had to close them both. The first time I saw this I thought I might have been responsible by over clicking the file to start the game but it did this to me a second and the second I know for sure it was not my fault because I may real sure to only double click on the file to start the game once and wait and when I went to close it due to it having the same issues already mentioned I see that it also had open to copies of the game. Both times nothing I clicked on the title screen would work for me the game would not take me past the title screen. I am a bit disappointed because I really wanted to see what this game was about.

Hey man sorry about that. I've had people report this issue as well but I have been unable to figure out the problem. If you can send me a video recording of your screen while running the game and send it to me I might be able to understand the problem. That is of course if you're willing to do it. You can send it to my email: thanks!

No because i have sense erased off my computer and it caused it to crash twice. I untl I know it is fixed will not be downloading it again. Also I need the space for other games.