"...? Do you wanna go to see toys nyow?"
Elm: ...y-yeah...l-let's go...
He's terrified-he just met Hazel, and he's already lost so so much-it's not something he likes to think or talk about, but he's witnessed so much death...and he's terrified to lose Hazel too. But he won't tell Hazel that-he won't upset him...he just-he just wants him to be happy...so he's going to do his best...and enjoy whatever time he has with Hazel.
Elm hugs him back tightly and kisses the top of his head
Elm: You don't have to do that...I-I'm gonna get you something though...whatever you want...I-you gave me Sir-Snuggles-A-Lot-I-that's what I named the bear you made for me...I-I can't sew but...I can get you something...so I'm going to. Whatever you want...