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What sort of scenes would you like to see specifically?

(1 edit) (+5)

I'll chime in and say that it would interesting for the MC to show up at college and go looking for either Ashley or Emma & Felicity only to walk into the girls locker room while Juliet is showering to find her masturbating as well. When she catches him looking he can try to excuse himself only to have her tell him to wait. That she's been horny for a long time and she's heard from the other girls that he's got exactly what it takes to satisfy her needs. He can bang her right there in the girls' shower.

If you have any future ideas of bringing her into the fold, perhaps this would be a good jumping off point?

A less sexual suggestion would be that she shows up at the hotel occasionally to check up on Ashley's school work progression as well as seeing how Maria's doing since the incident.

On a completely different note ....How about a short story involving everyone in the hotel, as well as maybe Kate and Juliet, go on a little excursion to get away from it all with no to little drama? A small vacation of sorts. MC could rent a large RV and they could travel to a National Forest to do a little camping and get some R&R for awhile. Throw in some lewd situations or a drunken orgy. 😈😁😎 LOL


I second all of this