Super fun! I like how you made it so all the best-looking members of the community are found first to guarantee people will keep playing. Writing was pretty funny, and I liked the bosses. Combat could have used a liiiitle more variety but if this took 14 hours, that's awesome. I was also able to play from beginning to end without anything game breaking, so awesome job!
Maze dungeons, while convenient, are super unfun in my opinion. I hope I didn't leave any community members behind! I had one character perma-die (really sorry about that Corey), but overall it wasn't too tough. Boss battles felt a little tough compared to the mobs, as a single unprepared turn means a lot of dying.
Not too hard to get OP. Once you find the gun store, it's pretty much over for all your enemies (lol). If you had more time, a few changes would have really made the experience awesome:
- Maps that aren't horrible mazes
- Enemy variety
- Battle balance
Even as it was, I had a ton of fun, so thanks for submitting!