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Have to agree with skd the game feels really slow right now and you have to wait quite a bit from time to time.

Maybe increase the amount of migrants you can get at the beginning of the game and scale pop growth with the size of the settlement since I think it's weird that my 40 pop grows as fast as my 5 pop new settlement.

Combat or general unit management needs some improvement I think. The trade caravan I have, spends most of the time in front of my admin center blocking the road like every other unit does so raising an army and getting it out of a crowded settlement is time consuming. A way for them to travel through each other in some way (Maybe only when they are standing on roads?) would be nice. Also some sort of way to control multiple units instead of giving each unit the order to move up one hex it would be neat if I could just tell all units I selected to move up one hex in their current formation.

Also, I think settlements are bound to the biome they were started in, right? I like the idea, however I made a settlement on the border of one without knowing and couldn't build any walls around it. Settlements should not only be limited by biome but also be given a radius of  2 hexes around the admin center in which they can build regardless of biome areas so you can always build roads and walls.

That all being said I will miss the classic version, but think these new changes were worth it. Settlements make more sense now and combat feels a lot better.