OH MY this is ADORABLE~ I haven't managed to get very far since it's bugging out a bit but I can't wait till it's all done and polished 'cause what I did see was diabetically sweet. The VA's did a great job and I am so in love with Reyna [I think fluffballs have become my new go-to type...] I like Reyna's take on the whole amnesia being a time of reinvention instead of confusion 'cause it really adds to her optimistic side. Oh and I got a good chuckle out of the whole heirloom mix up. Food puns ftw.
One thing: For the next version can there be a little info about what keys do what. I had no idea how to navigate around the pages... @_@ just a few words at the bottom or a tutorial page at the start menu would help me sooosossosooo much. >.<