The woman looks up and smiles
???: Hm? Oh, hello dear...
Mela sprints into the clearing after Toru and sees the woman. Her eyes go wide, face pale. She grabs Toru's hand and tries to pull him away
Mela: quietly Toru...Toru we need to go...now...
The woman smiles sweetly at Toru
???: Hello there...what brings you to my neck of the woods...? Mela: quietly Toru...don't listen to her...no matter what she says don't listen-
"I'm gonna climb a waterfall!"
???: Oh! Well how convenient for you, to come find this place! Go ahead and climb, I don't mind!
Mela: Toru, NO. No-d-don't-
???: Oh, be quiet...it's perfectly safe! And look at him-he's a big strong man, he can take care of himself...
Toru waddled over to the water a peered in.
Mela: Toru-p-please don't-
She genuinely seems really panicked
???: There you go, dear...go ahead in...
"...I don't like water!"
???:Hm? But you said you wanted to climb dear!