This was super charming! I loved the way you had your maps set up, the reduced color palette of the RTP graphics, and the actual feel of the game!
- Your battles feel very tedious right now - the speed of RM2K3's battles is already pretty slow - but to have barely any abilities and to have to click attack 8+ times to complete a battle just really kills the vibe for me.
- Your events feel very choppy - it feels like there's about a whole two seconds after each event as buffering time/ At first, I thought the game was actually freezing - but then realized it happens with every event that has a move route. Walking into Traveler's Pass was especially bad - after the initial event I couldn't do anything for about 5 seconds, but this was also a thing for moving the rocks and any event really that had the chicken come out and talk. I would look at your wait commands and play around with them for better flow.