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(2 edits) (+13)(-15)

Games are "political" because everything is political. There are plenty of games made about different wars, like WWII, for instance, or ones that criticize certain philosophies, like the Bioshock series. Everything involves politics, in some view, some way or another, because politics involve people and their rights, lives, cultures, etc. You literally can't escape it, especially minorities who don't have a choice to since their existences are basically "politicized". This will always be a woefully naive and illogical point of view.

(1 edit) (+11)(-10)

here is a good example of an un-politicized game just so you can see what I was talking about.

My little blacksmith shop.

has NO politics in it once so ever.

Compared to this game, it has 0% politics and this game is, totally political. You also act as if I have a problem with this and I don't, I stated as clear as day its your 1st amendment right to have the freedom of speech and expression. This game being just that. Not hating on the game or anything I just gave a review.

Deleted 3 years ago

Vincent's reply nails it. :-)

BTW, I didn't know this game, let's link it:

Deleted 6 years ago