That was an unsettling little game, the art style had some unique details to it and has helped create some genuinely disturbing moments (like the one with a mental illness ad that looked like a figure), and the sound design was done well (the final "jumpscare" actually kind of got me). The only complaint I have is about the character's walking speed. It doesn't really help with creating more tension or atmosphere, in fact it's more annoying than anything, since there's a lot of places to explore and the game's pace wouldn't really be at risk if you had added the running option. Regarding the plot... Quite a few people have dissapeared without any explanation and someone (or something) has taken them away, but the note about a certain person who has been diagnosed with an incurable affliction confused me a little. Was certain Derek Smith behind all this? Just some paranormal creature known as the "visitor"? I must admit, in this case the ambiguity has contributed to the feeling of the overall uneasiness.