Might be my favorite theme/framing for this jam. I' a big sucker for the Egyptian/mummy myths and this has a really cool angle on it. Made me think maybe the game is showing a sped up version of events, and in fact old Ankehotep has been crawling around in there for centuries looking for his lost organs before he can rise again. Very cool!
I loved the visuals and the arms out front were rad. The HUD was also in line with the theme which was nice to see. Overall I really dig the look and vibe of the game.
That being said, there are always things to improve on! I thought the sound effects, in particular the arm squelching forward, got repetitive quite fast. It would have been nice to have some variation there. Also, while the waypoint system was cool - I found I practically never used them. This is mainly because if I kept going in a direct way I seemed to reach the end without needing to think much. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, after all a labyrinth isn't a 'maze' but one or two more maze-like junctions could have been really nice. A 6-way junction could be a real jumping off point! (I am assuming here that I didn't just luck out and miss this sort of thing, apologies if I did)
Overall a really cool premise and a good jam game - with some potential to be taken even further with a few tweaks :)