I tried that, I keep getting "No such file or directory". I verified that the app name is still the same, and opened up the contents to make sure that directory existed, but I couldn't get it to go. I tried opening that file directly, but got a few lines and then "process completed" without any other information. I have it in my applications folder if that changes anything.
Coles-MacBook-Pro:~ colesampson$ ./LastManStanding64.app
-bash: ./LastManStanding64.app: No such file or directory
Coles-MacBook-Pro:~ colesampson$ open ./LastManStanding64.app
The file /Users/colesampson/LastManStanding64.app does not exist.
Coles-MacBook-Pro:~ colesampson$ open LastManStanding64.app
The file /Users/colesampson/LastManStanding64.app does not exist.
Coles-MacBook-Pro:~ colesampson$ LastManStanding64.app
-bash: LastManStanding64.app: command not found