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Vincent: ...Y'know you'd have more money if you didn't spend it on expensive ass cigs right? 

(1 edit)

"...maybe my money wouldn't go down the drain if you stopped throwing my shit down into gutters!"

Vincent: ...

He sighs, running a hand through his hair 

Vincent: Alright. I've decided. From now on, you work for me. I'll let ya live here for free, I don't have food so you're gonna have to figure that one out yourself, and I'll pay you-I dunno-like, $10 dollars an hour? That's fair right? 

"...why would you do that..?"

Vincent throws his hands up in the air 

Vincent: I dunno, cuz I'm a fuckin' bleedingheart! Do you want the job or not!? 


Vincent: Great. Now you honestly don't have to do jackshit if you want-just don't tell anyone about anything you might see-or hear...oh-and recognize that this whole operation isn't

"Great, now I'm doing illegal shit."

Vincent: Nah, you're just an accomplice-and trust me, even if we get caught-I can very easily pay bail so I'm not too worried about it. 
