woooo update I found out what it's for.
Its a diary entry! looks like its actually a diff one than the one most people are talking bout, for the context and the dating of it differs. Not going to paste it here since I think its more exciting if u see what it says for yoruselves
apparently you don't need only the scene where ayumi goes uh *koff* beheaded *koff* to get the code thing. You click the flower, and press ctrl c to copy the text that it actually leads you to. If when you paste (ctrl v) it shows nothing, first do ctrl a to highlight it all and THEN paste it to decode it if needed.
So that's cool... apparently there's more ways than 1 to get a Diary Entry!! and that also means that there are more than 1 Diary Entries. i mean, idk if anyone else found this but here's this, just in case! :D